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Coordinators' meetings

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9th Coordinators' Meeting, 18th September 2021

It was nice to meet again after the summer holidays. It is time for the new school year and new project activities. The timetable of activities for September and October was discussed, as well as the possible dates for our on-site meetings. Hopefully, the situation with the pandemic will be better this year!

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10th Coordinators' Meeting, 19th October 2021

Today, the coordinators discussed the plan to mark 16th November 2021, the International Day for Tolerance. As social inclusion is very important in our project, the activity called Tolerance Storytelling is to take place in November. We are going to tell stories with the theme of tolerance to people in care homes, schools for children with special educational needs and other groups of people with fewer opportunities. Regarding the circumstances of the pandemic, we are going to use the benefits of technology to meet these people.

11th Coordinators' Meeting, 17th November 2021

This week the coordinators have met at their 11th virtual meeting since the beginning of the Erasmus+ project, 3rd meeting this school year. The plan of Christmas activities was discussed, as well as preparations for our on-site meetings. Although we still have to bear in mind the situation with COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy that, for the time being, our classes are on-site at all partner schools. Most of all, we are proud of the fact that our eTwinning project ˝Stories Bring Us Closer 2020/21˝ has been awarded four European Quality Labels, which proves the success of the first year of our work.

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12th Coordinators' Meeting, 21st December 2021

The coordinators met online for the last time this year. 

We are sorry that it was mostly not possible to organise the meetings we planned with care homes and schools for SEN pupils on-site. The meetings were held online, but still, it was a lovely experience and helped us achieve the aims of our project: develop students' competence in applying knowledge into practice in literacy education, increase the self-esteem of students with fewer opportunities and strengthen students' empathy towards different age and social groups.

Christmas is very close, as well as the end of our Christmas activities. Christmas cards have been exchanged and there have been many storytelling events: parents, grandparents and other members of our pupils' families have been invited to visit schools, or join virtually, to read or tell Christmas stories. The activity has been very motivating and all the participants enjoyed it very much. 

Our pupils are preparing their motivational letters for LTTA meetings and hope that next year we will meet in person.

Merry Christmas!

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13th Coordinators' Meeting, 22nd January 2022

Today, the coordinators have met for the first time this year. The timetable of activities for the second term has been discussed: we are planning to organise storytelling meetings with kindergarten children and write stories with elements of maths. Hopefully it will be possible to start with meetings in person soon, instead of online meetings.

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14th Coordinators' Meeting, 7th March 2022

Finally, the situation with Covid-19 is getting better, so we are able to prepare for our first LTTA, which is going to be held in Čakovec, Croatia, from 13th to 19th March 2022. The last instructions for the trip are being given. Our next coordinators' meeting is not going to be online.

We are all very much looking forward to meeting in person!

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15th Coordinators’ Meeting, 15th March 2022, LTTA Croatia

After 15 online meetings, today we had the first coordinators’ meeting on-site, at II. osnovna škola Čakovec, as a part of the programme of the LTTA Croatia. We are pleased that the COVID-19 restrictions in the whole EU are being lifted and hope that we will be able to continue with our LTTAs onsite. The plans for the LTTA Greece and the timetable by the end of the school year have been discussed.

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16th Coordinators’ Meeting, 13th May 2022, LTTA Greece

The 16th coordinators’ meeting was held at 1st Primary School of Neapoli, as a part of the programme of the LTTA in Greece. Preparations for the LTTAs in the school year 2022/23 (Sweden, Italy and Spain), monitoring of the project progress and plans by the end of the project, according to the timetable, were discussed.

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17th Coordinators’ Meeting, 13th June 2022

Today, in our online meeting, we discussed the publication of the fourth edition of our Newsletter. We have all returned from the LTTAs Croatia and Greece with very positive impressions, which we now share with our schools and local community. Plans for the next LTTA, in Sweden have been discussed.

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18th Coordinators’ Meeting, 6th October 2022, LTTA Sweden

This coordinators’ meeting was held at Rödebyskolan, during the LTTA in Sweden. Preparations for the LTTAs in the school year 2022/23 (Italy and Spain), monitoring of the project progress and plans by the end of the project, according to the timetable, were discussed. We have started a new eTwinning project, Stories Bring Us Closer 2022/2023, the first one on the new ESEP platform, which was also presented to pupils and teachers at our eTwinning workshop during this LTTA.

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19th Coordinators’ Meeting, 1st March 2023

On 1st March 2023, a coordinators’ meeting was held online. Monitoring, preparations for the LTTA Italy and plans by the end of the project, according to the timetable, were discussed, as well as the work on our eTwinning project Stories Bring Us Closer 2022/2023, which involves the work on five joint e-books of stories.

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20th Coordinators’ Meeting, 16th March 2023, LTTA Italy

This coordinators’ meeting was held at Circolo Didattico San Giovanni Bosco, during the LTTA in Italy. Preparations for the LTTA Spain, monitoring of the project progress and plans by the end of the project, according to the timetable, were discussed.

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21st Coordinators’ Meeting, 19th May 2023, LTTA Spain

On 19th May 2023, a coordinators’ meeting was held at Sagrado Corazon School in Guadalajara, during the LTTA Spain. This was the last meeting in person. The coordinators from four countries were present: Branka Lamza, Cristina Palomo Ugidos, Johanna Laronsson, Maria Scarcipino Pattarello and, as a representative of the Greek school, the headmistress, Aristea Papamitsaki.

The final stage of the project and preparations for the Final report were discussed. According to monitoring, evaluation and tangible results, all project participants have a reason to be proud of their work.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and communication herein reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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